Advisors: Genevieve Anderson 459.9311 (Cell) Susan Butler 431.2460 (Cell) 458.9133 (Home)
Where: CHS Room T7
When: Fridays at Lunch
Who: This Premier Travel Program offers a limited number of coveted spots to be filled by remarkable students who are interested in exploring other cultures and have a desire to make an impact on the world.
Do you want to read about the world or do you want to see and experience the world firsthand? If so, we want to personally invite you to travel with us on an international trip. The CHS World Travel Academy travels abroad to iconic educational destinations every year. This Premier Travel Program offers a limited number of coveted spots to be filled by remarkable students who desire to make an impact on the world. The trip is designed to focus on the global, cultural and communication skills necessary to thrive in our current world. We have fundraisers to make your dreams a reality. Also, travelers can earn college credit. To ensure your spot get a referral form from room T7 or from your counselor and ask a teacher to complete a recommendation for your placement.
Check us out on Facebook – Capital High School World Travel