All dual credit courses count as both high school and college credit. The courses are taught on the campus of Capital High School. Students are responsible for college registration, cost of tuition and fees. Students must be at least 16 years of age and meet course qualifications (see chart below).
Helena College/Carroll College Dual Credit Application must be completed before the course can be requested in PowerSchool. Students could be removed if they do not get the appropriate ACT/Compass score to be eligible for college credit.
Students who drop a dual credit course once the semester has started are required to drop both at CHS and the corresponding college, failure to drop at the college will cause the student responsible to pay the course fees.
** Dual Credit Course offerings are dependent on staff with dual certifications, classes offered for dual credit could change if staffing changes occur and no dual certified teachers are available.
ACT/SAT/Compass Placement Chart for Math and English Dual Credit Classes
Eligibility for Dual Credit offerings is based on test scores. If a student does not hit the MUS System cut scores on the ACT, they will then need to take the Compass test at Helena College for $15 to be able to get the college credit. In addition, for Dual Credit Math courses, if a student’s score is below the cut score, then can take the Helena College Final for the lower level math to show proficiency. For example a student who wants to take M151 Pre-Calculus can challenge the M121 College Algebra Final at Helena College for $75 and if they pass, get the college credit and be eligible to receive college credit for their dual credit Pre-Calculus class.
* The MUS System offers M115 Probability & Linear Math and M145 Liberal Arts Math for these fields of study, but CHS does not have them for Dual Credit at this time. If you take M121 it should also fulfill the math requirement for these fields of study. Almost all of the fields of study under this heading require STAT 216- Statistics.
Dual Credit and AP Courses transfer fairly easily throughout the Montana University System. Below is a table created using the college’s transferability guides and is up to date for the Spring of 2017. Use it as a guide as to how your credits might transfer, but please be sure to check with the school to make sure it is up to date. (Click to expand)