Freshmen & sophomores need to be enrolled in seven (7) periods per day, with at least six (6) credit-bearing classes. One period may be a study hall. Students who choose to take seven credit-bearing classes need to consider the time required to work on those classes after school hours. Freshmen & sophomores may request to start zero period (7:25 a.m.) or 1st period (8:20 a.m.).
Juniors & seniors must register for at least six (6) credit-bearing classes and may elect to take a study hall for a seventh class. Juniors and seniors may request to start classes zero period (7:25 a.m.), 1st period (8:20 a.m.) or 2nd period (9:15 a.m.).
All bus students start 1st period.
Any student who completes the day before 3:15 p.m. must leave the building or enroll in a study hall.
Full-year subjects such as English, American History, PE, etc. will receive one (1.0) credit per year.
Semester subjects such as Psychology, Special Topics, etc. will receive a half (.5) credit.
Credits are noted next to each course title as 1.0 or .5.
Course prerequisites/instructor verifications are noted at the end of each course description.
While a student may have fulfilled prerequisites/verifications, the availability of staff will determine the number of students finally enrolled in a class.
Students must register for required courses before they request elective courses.
When a student fails the 1st semester of a required course, the student must register for the class for next year during the spring registration for the next year. –OR-
A student can register for the Credit Recovery class with his/her counselor’s permission.
A student who receives a D in any math course is advised to repeat the course.
Students who successfully complete a summer school make-up course for the failed semester can request a schedule change after summer school is completed and a passing grade is earned.
Scheduling at CHS is based on student course requests.
All students request courses for the next year, but some courses may not be available for next year due to scheduling conflicts, lack of requests for the course, or staffing issues.
Changes in registration will be permitted when necessary to fulfill graduation requirements, correct an enrollment error, or if another very unusual circumstances develop.
Students should select full-year courses with care and should realize that full-year courses may not always be dropped at semester time.
Students have the first two weeks at the beginning of each semester to drop/add classes with the appropriate signatures (parent/guardian and/or teachers) without receiving a Withdraw Fail (WF).
A student who is withdrawn or dropped from a class two weeks or more after the beginning of a semester will have a WF recorded on the student’s permanent record. Extreme circumstances may be appealed to the administration.
Administration, parent and teacher approval is required to WF any class.