3441 Statistics-S2 Grades: 11-12 .5 Credit
DUAL CREDIT Helena College: STAT 216 Intro to Statistics
*DC Note: Students must meet the college’s placement criteria and are responsible for college registration, cost of tuition, and fees.
This course is designed for juniors and seniors who would like a strong introduction to statistics in preparation for college. College Algebra is the recommended first semester course. The course will focus on applications of mathematics and statistical modeling. Statistics will be taught using real world situations in a way everyone can understand. The TI-84 calculator will be used daily. At the end of the course, each student will have a binder of all notes necessary to be successful in a college statistics course. Students seeking an advanced preparation in mathematics may take this course at the same time as Pre-Calculus and Calculus. Prerequisite(s): Signature of current Math teacher is required on registration form -AND- Algebra II (C or better recommended).