3356 Technical Math

3356    Technical Math         Grades: 11-12

DUAL CREDIT Helena College: M111 Technical Math

*DC Note: Students must meet the college’s placement criteria and are responsible for college registration, cost of tuition, and fees.

This is a course is designed for those interested in pursuing a technical or vocational career or degree after high school.  The courses include fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, formulas and word problems.  Topics studied are metric and American measurements systems, linear equations, algebra, developing applied skills in practical geometry, solid figures, and basic trigonometry.  Fee $20. Prerequisite(s):  Signature of current Math teacher is required on registration form -AND- Algebra I (C or better recommended) -AND Concurrent enrollment in Career and Technical Education class is required. Technical Math must be a student’s third math credit.


1.0 Credit